How To Find Out What Men Really Want

Every person is unique but when it comes to what men really want, there is a little bit of an exception to the rule. No matter how different men are from each other when it comes to the details, you will still find something similar between each one of them. They have something in common that will help you to easily spot which one to go for or not. For women who are still looking for a guy, it’s a huge crisis to get to get to know them just by reading or judging the obvious. But for those who are already in a relationship with one and still can’t figure out what they really want, there are requirements that are needed to be achieved.


Patience is a must to find out what men really want. You can’t spend a day just reading them, their body language, their attitude and the way they interact with people and immediately come up with a conclusion about them. You must have a lot of patience and perseverance to figure out what this man is really all about and what they are not. While it is not that you must be a creepy or freaky lady following them around and observing everything that they do in an obvious way, you need to find out how to camouflage yourself to let him be his natural self. When in interaction with them, try to read how they do it with you and other people. It is important that you see the way they are not just with you whom they know is really interested of them but also to those who aren’t taking notice of their every move the way you are.

No Drama

If there is anything at all that men wished never existed in the entire world, it’s the drama part. They hate it. They resent it. It’s like a curse to their body and soul. It’s so suffocating and toxic that whenever drama comes up they just want to run away as fast as they can or give up on everything if they are not man enough to stand firm against it. If you want to know what men really want then you must learn to put aside your drama and let go of anything that is going to stir them to anger or make them dislike you. Not that you would need to turn yourself into a stone because that’s never going to happen. But you have to be able to control your emotions. Otherwise, they would just be scared off of you.

Be Yourself

The last but not the least among what men really want is that the woman of their dreams is being herself not anyone else. You must let go of the pressure that the rest of the world is giving you. You must stop comparing yourself to those whom your man’s been with in the past because what lies in the past is no longer a matter to worry about. Just be yourself, show yourself to him the way you really are and that will give him the confidence to also show you who they are.

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